Recently, Soldarnal suggested a name for our site that I quite like: Biblical Studies. It seems that Stack Exchange would be willing to entertain a name change, if we think it's a pressing issue. Over the last few months, I think we've tackled a number of meta-questions that have clarified our site's aims and policies, but in all honesty there are a number still outstanding. It seems that we ought not worry about our name until we have settled disagreements concerning what our name represents. I've compiled a list of meta-questions that we need to have some sort of consensus on before we can move ahead. From a conversation with GoneQuiet:
Even if we don't decide to change our name, I think we should settle the questions below. Currently, BS holds a 7 to 6 lead over BH.
Are questions about the Old Testament from a purely Christian perspective off-topic? [closed]It's my question and I think it's resolved. Or rather overtaken by events. Other questions below replace it.
Why are correct answers sometimes downvoted?The consensus seems to be this is a useful FAQ. Now linked from "what are we looking for in answers".
How ought we to balance diversity?This question is historically important and fundamentally unresolvable. It is a sign-post for some key differences that we need to keep in mind as we continue to define the site. It's not a question we will ever "answer".
Why should one participate in the Biblical Hermeneutics site (is it a viable site)?Like the previous question, this one is important and informs our various discussions about scope, diversity, doctrine, post-modern relativism, etc, but is itself unresolvable. Visit it from time to time; review the answers there; keep them in mind. Related: Friends, we are not Christian.
How should we welcome new users?- we seem to be doing ok here; our problem is preventing bad answers from new users, not being unwelcoming when they show upGuidelines for editing others' answers? - not resolved
Various doctrine-related questions. - will probably never be resolved; our official position is "we are not a Christian site" but that doesn't stop people
And some more recent questions:
Is postmodern relativism the worldview of this site?(can't really be resolved, only discussed; discussion has happened)What should our tag wikis say, and does anybody want to help write them? - not done but needn't be a blocker
What is the ideal end-state for exegesis answers that don't show their work? - not officially resolved, but with the top answer at +6/-1 and no other close contender, it's probably time to call it and move on
I'd like to encourage you to consider these meta-questions. If you think we have reached some sort of consensus on a meta-question, feel free to edit this question and <strike>
it out as I've done above. Alternatively, if one or more of the questions are irrelevant, we can just delete them. Finally, if you want to put another item on our stack, go for it. (The edit history will be available to all, so be prepared to justify your actions!)
Please use answers to record your individual thoughts on this roadmap. I'm especially interested in how we can promote our site as a place for Biblical Studies and how that would look different (or not!) from what we are now doing. Thanks!