Pursuing further the topic discussed in the Library here.
The current (as of 10-14-2014) wording for one of the off-topic close options is
Questions regarding systematic theology are off-topic. For more information, see this meta post.
I understand (and agree) that questions based in theological terminology or theological assumptions should be generally off topic (such as "bad questions" noted in this answer). Though exceptions may still occur when particular passages warrant mention of a particular interpretation of that passage that leads to a particular theological concept.
For example, I would not mind a question having a proper verse and then asking something about why that verse is considered to support the Christian idea of "Trinity" in the Godhead. While Trinity is a theological topic, if the question is anchored in a specific text, asking about the interpretation of it regarding a Trinitarian understanding, I'm fine with that (perhaps others are not).
Additionally, since some hermeneutics give more weight to systematized approaches to understanding the text, a systematic answer is (in my view) fully allowed for any question about an interpretation of a passage (assuming one can construct an argument that others can follow). That seems to be the consensus from this meta answer.
But I do not think a question should be worded such that it requires a systematic answer, because then it is either "too broad," "without a specific Bible passage," or "searching for a text" (or texts). It also assumes a hermeneutic that recognizes unity within/across the writings, which not all would assume.
I do not like the broad (and somewhat unclear) dismissal using "systematic theology" (partly because to me, every interpretation of Scripture informs one's systematic theology, so all interpretation is related to that field), yet I do understand that starting from a theological idea, especially apart from a clear text, is not where questions should begin on BH.SE.
So the discussion here is whether or not the wording should be changed for this close option, and if so, what recommendations people have for changing it.