This meta question is in response to this recent answer. Firstly, I agree with Lance's answer which is good and deserves the upvotes it got. However, at the end, Lance applies his analysis to a modern day hot-topic issue: "feminism":
The Bible is very consistent in that God has given the responsibility of leadership to men, in both the old and new testament. This is a very applicable point today, since we see this level of passiveness in the modern industrialized world, partly spurred by the advance of the heresy of feminism.
Lance's position on modern day gender roles is perfectly valid, but I see four problems here:
- "Feminism" is an ill defined term that means different things to different people
- There is an implicit application of the verse is Judges or Isaiah to a modern day question of gender roles but that reading of the text is not justified or explained in the answer
- The question of modern gender roles is definitely irrelevant to the OP's question and possibly off topic for this whole site considering it's all but impossible to disentangle the question from doctrine
- The word "heresy" is used here. I think the term "heresy" and all its synonyms should be treated as name calling and offensive and completely disallowed on this site.
Which of these concerns, if any, are valid? How should we respond to these issues?
Obviously, I'm asking a lot here. As voices weigh in, it may be necessary to spawn new, more pointed questions to fully exhaust these issues.