This question has a different focus than What are we looking for in answers?, but is related. There is an explicit one for questions (What makes a good/bad question?), which itself links to the more robust answer: A helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE
The question was initiated because of this question, and produced in the spirit of How can we educate new users about our site distinctives?
If an answerer does not want his or her answer downvoted to oblivion or even possibly deleted entirely, what can he or she do in the answer itself (the anatomy of it) to help prevent that? What are the key factors the BH.SE community values in at least not downvoting an answer on quality grounds? I realize different questions may need different emphases in answering, but what are the general points valued most of the time, the more of which makes for better answers?
NOTE: I have posted this question to supply a list of single topic answers for the community to vote on so that new users, or old users that want to improve answers, can look back to as a check list of items to consider including. The idea is to provide a better source to link to point new users to what matters, with what matters most indicated by community vote. Please feel free to not only add more answers, but edit into the answers I've given to start this any links to other meta posts that may give more depth to any parituclar point. ALSO: Please limit yourself (at least during the intial release of the question) to voting up no more than your top SEVEN points,1 so that some community distinction can begin to occur. Arguably all the answers indicate points that you may feel are good to include, but which seven, if they were included, would prevent you from downvoting an answer? You may want to vote for less even. Of course, downvote if you feel like an answer is totally irrelevant, or one answer is gaining way more support than you feel it should have (i.e. it is in your bottom 2-3 of the list).
Good answers on BH.SE tend to take time to compose. Hours, sometimes days, especially if one is not expert in the area and has not researched (or had the research background to draw from) to make good answers.
1 For those into numerology for your hermenutic, read into the number 7 whatever you will :-). I chose it because I was posting 12 answers to begin with, so 7 is just over half, and should begin to give some separation to the field.