The post In Gen. 4, Seth is “appointed” as another seed “instead of Abel.” What is the ancient interpretation of this appointment? was quickly put on hold with the reason:
"Questions about biblical topics but without a specific Bible passage are off-topic as hermeneutical methods cannot be applied when no text is referenced."
However, in What texts are open for examination? (meta) (also linked to in comments for explanation) I currently fail to read the the original question was indeed 'in violation' of these site rules. This is not to challenge the site rules or moderator decisions. This is just a request for clarification to help me understand better how this site is supposed to work.
In my eyes the original post might have been a little tad on the periphery of the subject, which should have been fine according to e.g.
Since I do not know what to make of that: are the close reason given and the meta-post in conflict with one another or have I misread the meta-post?