Judaism.SE (which is my usual stomping grounds) has quite a few hermeneutics[1] questions (only of Tanakh, naturally, not the Christian Bible). They are definitely considered on-topic there. Examples:[2]
- "Placing" oil, but "placing" frankincense
- Selah ~ Does it mean...
- Ten plagues of Egypt: hail and pestilence
But on J.SE they're tackled differently from how they'd be tackled here: both with different assumptions (postulates) and with different methods. Two questions may be worded identically on the two sites, but someone asking here would be seeking answers based on Christian Bible hermeneutics, whereas someone asking on J.SE would seek answers based in Judaism. In my opinion, that's not a bad thing. But there are two practical results of that consideration:
- that users should not be reprimanded for asking the same question both sites — since the questions are not duplicates; and
- that posts should not be moved from the one site to the other in general. (It does, however, provide an interesting reason to move posts when necessary: namely, when the asker's postulates match the other site's.)
That's my view. Now I'll open the floor to your-all.
[1] At least, what I think is hermeneutics. I'm not that familiar with the term, actually, and not familiar with the field.
[2] There may be much better examples. Again, I'm not familiar with hermeneutics.