Questions tagged [asking-questions]

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Does my question about Genesis 9:4 already exist?

I decided to go on the Hermenutics Stack Exchange today with the purpose of asking what, in particular, Genesis 9:4 prohibits, whether the consuming of blood, flesh taken from an animal while the ...
The Editor's user avatar
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I wasn't able to find in the on-topic page what exactly this site is about in terms of what are the rules in answering questions

I wasn't able to find in the on-topic page what exactly are like the...rules or paradigms or not sure of term for the site. Hopefully you'll know what I mean by the end of this post. The thing is......
BCLC's user avatar
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Asking acceptable questions

Good day all. Can anyone instruct me about what constitutes an acceptable question? Allow me to illustrate the problem below: Heading "How are we to understand evil?" Body Scripture is ...
Xeno's user avatar
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Where does external evidence fit on a hermeneutics site?

I recently asked a question that focused heavily (albeit not exclusively) on external evidence for understanding the history of a text. This question was modeled on other questions that also solicited ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
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Is there such thing as too many questions?

A few days ago I noticed a user that was suspended to "cool down" (can't recall the name of the user but I think it was until August next year). After that day, given that it wasn't clear ...
Tiago Martins Peres's user avatar
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Criticism of Second Esdras' First Two Chapters

Among the Apocrypha of the Latin Vulgate, there is a certain book, called Second Esdras, which is found neither in the Masoretic Text, nor in the Greek Septuagint. Its first two and last two chapters ...
Lucian's user avatar
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On Posting a Possible Duplicate

I have already asked a question on a related site, concerning a possible inter-textual connection between two passages of Daniel (5:30-6:2 and 9:25-26), inquiring whether Jewish sages, specifically, ...
Lucian's user avatar
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What to do with questions with answers that are too hard to understand?

We had a question on Which is probably an OK question for Hermeneutics but we ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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5 answers

Topicality of a Textual Question related to a Group with a Specific Doctrinal Commitment

This is a question about the topicality of this question on BH.SE: Do any scholars argue a textual theory where the NT text was edited to make the autographa? Which, as of this writing, is "on hold" ...
ScottS's user avatar
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Does the site name assume expectations of Christian doctrine and possible proselytizing?

The Name Biblical Hermeneutics, which directly means - the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts. So if I am going to discuss biblical texts, ...
Brian Webb's user avatar
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Broken tags, no question preview, and "silent fail"

There are a few bugs I am encountering with this site today: It appears the tagging system is broken, making it very difficult to ask questions, which may explain the low question rate on this site. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this question about "what the Bible says about an issue" better suited to BH or C.SE?

I have (in my opinion) a fairly simple question that was initially posted on Christianity.SE here: as If we want to know what the bible says about an issue, how can we know for sure that we have ...
bruised reed's user avatar
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Why can't I ask my 'big question'?

For the sake of argument, let's presume that there are the following Stack Exchange Q&A sites (any resemblance to existing SE sites is coincidental): Automotive Engineering — A Q&A site ...
Dan's user avatar
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archaeological evidence questions

As many would know by now, I am an Atheist and a practicing scientist (and are very thankful for being made welcome here). Would the following format for questions related to this be acceptable - and ...
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A helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE

Here is a helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE. Relevant meta posts for each decision are listed below: My goal is for this be a helpful reference and 'one-stop-shop' for users. Also note ...
Dan's user avatar
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Where does the "Ask Question" title prompt come from? Can we change it? To what?

When you ask a question on the main site, the Title box has a prompt that reads: what's your the analysis of biblical text question? be specific. I'm not sure why, but I've never noticed the text ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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6 answers

What should I ask?

Some days (like today) I log into Biblical Hermeneutics and see not much going on. So I think, "What question should I ask?" Asking good questions on demand turns out to be very difficult, if not ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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