Historical linguistics can help understand the languages of the bible and are therefore relevant to this site even when they do not discuss a specific text. Because that seems to be the main criteria for questions here, I have refrained from asking questions like "How can metathesis in the hithpael in biblical Hebrew be explained historically?" or "Is the masculine/feminine distinction the original reason for the different noun endings, or was there historically an other distinction?" here in the past. However, reading the answers on Are questions about the languages themselves (without referencing a specific text) on topic? I feel that these questions might, in fact, have been received well after all. The second-highest answer there suggests changing a wording of the help centre, but is out of date. The help centre currently reads:
Questions that do not arise from a Biblical text are off-topic unless they are about hermeneutical approaches. Not sure? You can find much more detail and all the nuances on our meta site.
Following those links yields A new guideline for doctrine in questions. What do you think? and A helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE, but both seem to distinguish between "what the text means" and "how to apply the text", and don't deal with linguistic questions of the sort I mentioned above. It is unclear to me if this falls under "the process of hermeneutics or relevant sub-disciplines" (left top of the flowchart).
I am studying biblical Hebrew using textual criticism and data from other semitic languages. Historical developments can help understand the language and therefore indirectly help understand texts. Currently (as the Hebrew Language proposed site is still rather far from beta) the only SE site where such questions could possibly work is here, and I expect the community here to be very knowledgable on this topic.
So could you please clarify for me: what is the current position of the community on historical-linguistics questions like this, that focus on the biblical languages without deriving from a specific text? And, if these questions should be / are allowed, might I suggest that the help centre and flowchart are updated to reflect this?