Should "Show your work" rule apply to the Questions as well?
Show your work simply means that the poster has done some homework or preliminary search about his que or ans; he is coming with a well informed view on his topic. There are many topics on "what are we looking for in answers", it is also explained in the tour, but I think the same is not instructed about the questions. If we properly explain the requirements for posting then we can reduce (70%?) time and effort of moderators in closing bad quality Q/As, and also save this time from turning into Quora level.
I think the problem lies in the tour It does not cover anything necessary to check the quality of QAs. It should be greatly improved if we present the guidelines and expectation for participation. Many newbies post with a misconception that this is a place to propagate their religious fanatic dogmas by posting useless opinions, beliefs and sermons, and they also get tons of upvotes by his fellow brothers.
If we instruct that you should at least have searched your question on duckduckgo, google (if not google books) which will lead to basic topics on Quora, gotquestions, carm etc, and if you still think you should post a question and a more deep research, then go ahead in making a topic. There are too many questions on basic translation and textual variants which should have been easily answered if he had checked netbible translation notes (also available on stepbible). Check sites like biblehub for commentaries, and especially about original language interlinear and dictionary, word usage.
The tour should include all these links, which will help reduce unnecessary questions, as the questioner will quickly find his answers in those sites. It should also include instructions on how to search for duplicate questions, which are the most common reason for closing. You should search for the bible verse reference, if you want to make a topic on that verse, and search for a phrase to see if there are already questions.
There are countless bad quality questions asking for greek word meaning, and the issue greek grammar which cannot possibly covered in an answer. If we include the reference to the invaluable duolingo, and John Dobson's Learn New Testament Greek, the best self learning book, then the viewer will be on his way to become expert and learn by himself, instead of asking stupid questions about grammar without having any knowledge and confidence in judging the answers.
Currently, there is no guideline and instructions that demands a questioner to include the verse reference for clarity in the question. Some just put their questions vaguely which doesn't even deserve to be opened. The tour does not specify that this is an expert level or expert wannabe academic site.
To quote from Dan's answer from "what are we looking for in answers":
SE sites are primarily places for experts. Non experts are welcome in so far as they have an interest in becoming experts. Each site is scoped to a specific field of interest.
..... Answers should show their work. Part of what will differentiate a good quality answer from a shoddy one is the ability of other experts to review -piece by piece- the train of reasoning that brought us from the text to its meaning. This serves both as a way to verify their quality and as a way for people new to the field to learn. If answers don't show their work, nobody will come away from our site with more knowledge about the field of hermeneutics.
Also, new questions and answered should be screened by moderators before being posted, which will help sift out bad quality and spam posts, because very few bother to read the tour before starting (when the tour is itself very uninformative). Almost every new answer receives a correcting comment instructing him to check the tour and the fact that this is a different site. This unnecessary task should be avoided if we improve the tour and screen first answers and not let them directly post them. My links should be incorporated into the tour with example, which is the only way to improve quality.
The quality of the site has been consistently degrading with time, as more and more quora and FB type users taking over, posting for gaining points, and the experts becoming fewer to non-existent.