Just now, I asked an extremely general question. When I first began formulating it, I had two specific texts in mind (the two times I remember Jesus using Aramaic in Mark). But as I researched the question, I found more and more texts that fit my criteria and I morphed the question into an answer (since the answer became clear at that point). The question I posed in the end, didn't reference any particular text at all.
But now I wonder if we should deal with questions that don't ask about particular texts. Since I knew exactly what I was asking, I was able to answer in what I believe is a manner appropriate for the site. But when the site goes into the public beta, I suspect questions such as mine will be answered by some newcomers in a more general fashion. (E.g., "My pastor says Jesus always spoke Shakespearean English.")
Requiring interpretive questions (as opposed to questions of hermentutical methods themselves) to include at least one quotation, might discourage overly board questions such as What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? It would also limit doctrinal questions to some degree.
What say you?