I've noticed a pattern from Christianity.SE creeping onto our site occasionally that Caleb calls a "stump the chump" question. The phrase comes from a segment on the Car Talk show in which they bring back someone whose car problem was solved to see if the hosts (or chumps) got the answer correct. So the original question might be "How did my Porsche 944 drive itself uphill?" and the original answer might be "Faulty starter motor", but the actual answer turns out to be "Hot-wired by pack rats". Obviously, these questions are hugely entertaining for all, but since the answer is virtually unknowable, it's hard to blame the "chumps" for not guessing it.
But how does that concept apply to Biblical Hermeneutics? Perhaps it's easiest to show an example:
I have a definite ax to grind in this question. It really bugs me that translators insert theology into their work and remove possible interpretations from the minds of their readers. So far, my answer is the only one, but if anyone answers contrary to my obviously correct opinion, ohhh, there's gonna be trouble!
Do you see the potential problem here? If I ask a question that I already have an answer to and am prepared to scrutinize every answer that doesn't line up with the "correct" answer, I've just created an trap for the unwary.
Not all questions with this pattern are bad and not all of them should be deleted, but they do represent a significant hazard to the success of our community. We want people to feel free to answer questions the way that they understand them and not be forced to conform to secret requirements imposed by the questioner. Let's take an example that stirred up the sort of trouble I hope to avoid:
It seems like a legitimate question, but in the self answer we read:
The question is actually almost self-answering.
And there's bunch of comments back and forth between the asker and other users that don't really make the situation very clear. In fact anytime a question generates many comments it's a good sign the question wasn't really fair.
Should we be worried about this category of question and what should we do about them?